Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thanksgiving, some snow and a birthday

Our first Thanksgiving together was awesome! I had to work in the morning but after work we spent a few hours at the Fortuna house and then made our way over to the Chambers house. Having two huge and delicious Thanksgiving dinners just wears me right out. It was so fun though! We got our rest and we were up bright and early the next morning to hit the black Friday sales. I love shopping on black friday! Waking up early, the crowds of crazy people swarming the stores, the awesome deals...I love it all. Brad...not so much, but he was a really good sport about it. :)

A few things I am thankful for:
 My husband
the gospel
our health
our home
the beautiful city we live in
and so much more!

We had some crazy weather the last couple of weeks. We didn't get a shovel for our wedding (I can't imagine why not) and it was just one of those things we didn't really think about...until we got hit with that giant snow storm. It made it interesting trying to get to church that morning.

You better believe that is our kitchen broom that Brad is using as a scraper and a shovel. He is just so darn creative.

Well I had a birthday... I am now 22 years old. I gotta say, I'm not really loving growing up, considering the majority of my birthday was spent studying for a test I had the next day. Luckily I have a really great husband and a really great family and they somehow managed to give me one heck of a birthday! My birthday included Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner at the restaurants of my choice, a beautiful willow tree nativity set :) a Jazz jersey and two tickets to the game of my choice, a pedicure, some delicious smelling perfume and of course spending time with my family. I loved it! Thanks everyone for making it great!

1 comment:

  1. Is that a chocolate milkshake "cake"? Love it and love you guys.
