Monday, March 4, 2013

We're having a BABY!!

Yes, its true; Brad and I are going to have a baby!! We are so so excited and we feel so fortunate that we get to be parents. This is something we have both wanted for a long time  and we are so excited that it's finally happening! :) We found out I was pregnant on December 21st 2012. I probably peed on like 6 pregnancy tests...I was so excited and anxious that I took one almost every day haha. I had taken one on December 20th and I was waiting the 3 (very very long) minutes it tells you to wait and about halfway through I thought to myself; this is stupid, I'm not pregnant, I don't need to wait for this. So I threw the test away. Later that night I had this feeling that I just needed to check the test, so I pulled it out of the trash and looked and my heart skipped a beat. Two Lines. I didn't know what to do. I had been looking forward to this moment for so long, and I had it all planned out in my head how I would surprise Brad - all of that went right out the window. I ran out of the bathroom like a crazy person waving this stick around in the air, jumping on him and shoving it in his face. He had no idea what it even was. I explained that it was the stick I peed on earlier and that it was positive! He just looked at me like I was mental and said, "no, there is no way you are pregnant, that test has been sitting in the trash all day, you can't believe those results." Definitely not the reaction I was hoping for. I was so sad but I realized he was probably right, so I sadly threw the test away...again, and began telling myself I wasn't pregnant. The next day Brad asked me if I had taken another pregnancy test. I was so confused that he thought I needed to do that because he seemed so sure that I wasn't. I bought another test and I waited the whole day and finally decided I would face reality and take it. I was beyond excited when I saw two lines again and I asked Brad to come look because I "wasn't sure if I could understand the results" He came walking in so confident it was negative and he looked at the test and then said "OH SH**" :) and that's how it all began! It goes without saying that Brad was slightly shocked, he didn't think it would happen so quickly, but a few days later he couldn't contain his excitement! He is so cute and loves to tell people we are expecting. I know he is going to be the best dad ever...he already is! That baby isn't even halfway here and he/she is already so spoiled. It has already changed us for the better and brought us closer than we could have ever imagined. We love this little baby so much and we can't wait for September 1st to get here so we can meet our precious angel!


  1. BEST NEWS EVER!! :) Can't believe it's actually happening!!

  2. So excited for the Tunas to have a little fish!! You guys are going to make amazing parents and I can't wait to babysit for you! Love you guys so much!

  3. So fun, Leah! I can't believe you are having a baby...I remember when YOU were born! :) I can't wait to see him or her!
