Friday, March 22, 2013

The (very small) baby bump!

There it little baby bump. It's kind of cute, right?? It's much cuter in certain clothes, other times that little bump just makes me look like I ate a lot of ice cream. Either way I love it! I am 17 weeks (well, on the 23rd) I have been so lucky and I haven't been sick at all this entire time! I would get a little nauseated if I didn't eat like every 2 hours, but that is nothing compared to what some women go through! I have still been able to exercise, although I sweat a ton more and I get tired quicker, but other than that its fine. I haven't really had any cravings- there was a time when I ate a ton of pickles and drank a lot of chocolate milk, and now neither of those sound good. But I liked those both before so I don't consider them cravings. My upper ribs on my right side hurt at the end of the day and everyone failed to mention how emotional you get-seriously I cry over everything! Brad wrote me a note and stuck it in my lunch and when I opened it at work I cried. He asked me what sounded good for dinner and I told him mashed potatoes and 7 layer dip and he had that ready and waiting for me when I got home. We watched grumpier old men (a very funny movie) but when the little grandpa dies I cried. It's crazy and mostly I just feel bad for Brad. :) He is a sweetheart for sure. Other than those minor things pregnancy has been great! I keep having dreams that it's a girl so it's probably going to be a boy ha. Neither one of us care what we have, we are just grateful to be having a baby. Only 1 more week until we find out for real what baby Fortuna will be! :)



  1. I'm so excited to find out what the little fish growing in your tummy will be. Either way, he/she is coming into an awesome family with two amazing people that will be wonderful parents! Love you guys.

  2. AAAHHHH!!!! I Love little baby bumps:) You look great. I think I'm guessing it's a girl:) Can't wait to see you guys next. You will be the funnest mommy and daddy!

  3. That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I can't wait for baby girl! Also your letter to the baby made me cry! I'm not pregnant anymore but I'm still just as emotional!
