Friday, July 16, 2010

Tim McGraw

Brad is pretty much the greatest guy ever! He surprised me with probably the best gift I've gotten  in my whole 21 years on to my favorite country singer, TIM MCGRAW!!! I jumped up and down and screamed when I got this wonderful surprise! This gift is a pretty big deal for  sweet Brad because while I am absolutely in love with country, Bradley is not so fond of it, to say the least. He likes some country songs, but he definitely doesn't love it enough to sit through 3 whole hours of glorious country music...until he met me! :) The concert is July 30th at Usana, and it's going to be amazing! He is coming with Lady Antebellum, another country band that I love! I am so excited to go and wear my adorable cowgirl boots and sit under the sun and listen to Tim all night long with cute Bradley! I love country so much that I keep telling Brad that he should apply to business school somewhere country-esque like Tennessee or Oklahoma...he doesn't seem to like that idea that much, so country music at Usana will have to do for now :) I decided that since the concert is so soon I need to start listening to Tim to get ready for the big day, and I thought everyone else would like to listen to Tim as well. Enjoy :)

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! Adam took me to my favorite country band at the beginning of the month! It was the best concert ever! =) And Adam is the same way as Brad, he's not to big into country.
