Saturday, June 8, 2013

Pregnancy according to me

Being pregnant is the best, it really has been so great! But even with that being said there are a few "precious joys" that go along with it.

What I love about being pregnant
* Having baby girl with me all the time, everywhere I go. She is my little buddy
* Feeling baby girl move
* Watching Brad hold my tummy and talk to her
* Watching her do funny things on the ultrasound
* I have the best skin and hair right now, it's awesome!
* I always have an easy conversation starter, this is especially nice at work.
* I have the best job in the world - oh you walked on the moon?? I'm just growing a human big deal.

The funny/not so great parts about being pregnant
* Everyone, and I mean everyone feels like they have the right to comment about your body. Come on people, am I the first pregnant lady you've ever seen?
* Random people ask you when you're due...excuse me, did your mother teach you nothing? Unless you see a baby crawling out of them you NEVER assume someone is pregnant.
* Hormones- I have said it before and I'll say it now, I cry over everything. Brad deserves a medal or something.
* Feeling like an albino whale, and then having someone tell you how pregnant you look that day. Thank you, I wasn't aware that my uterus is the size of a basketball.
* The techs at the Dr. office always ask me if I think I'll be able to give them a urine sample. I'm pregnant, of course I can give you a urine sample. I can pee 30 seconds before I walk into your office and if you hand me a cup and tell me to pee in it, I'll probably fill it to the top.
* Almost every birthing video I've watched the woman (and sometimes her coach) is naked. Why? Why does everyone have to be naked to deliver. Who knows, maybe its an unwritten L&D rule and I'll have to be naked too. I've already decided if I have to be naked, so does everyone else in the room ;)

I'm sure there are many more things I love and things I find funny about being pregnant, but that's all I can think of right now. :)


  1. Don't pay any attention to those hippy birthing videos--you don't have to be naked :)

  2. Leah, I love you and I am glad you wrote this! I had a couple comments recently that were a little insulting. I am glad to know that someone else deals with this!

  3. We should be friends forever:) you crack me up.
