Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How far along? 24 1/2 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: ummmm not sure, I get scared to look at the scale haha
Maternity clothes? None yet, I need some cute shorts!
Stretch marks? Nope :)
Sleep: ok, I wake up a lot and move around a lot.
Best moment this week: Feeling baby girl move all the time!
Miss Anything? Really really hot showers and cold turkey sandwiches
Movement: She moves all the time! She is really active first thing in the morning, around 6 or 7 am. and at night around 9 and 10 pn. It is so much fun!
Food cravings: Cold turkey sandwiches...only 16 more weeks until I can have one!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, I have been so lucky and haven't been sick at all!
Have you started to show yet: I sure have! :)
Labor Signs: No, thank goodness!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :) :)
Looking forward to: Our ultrasound on the 16th!

Baby this week is a foot long, the same size as an ear of corn. She weighs 1.7 pounds, about as much as an eggplant. Her lungs are continuing to develop and she will gain about 6 ounces each week. She can hear everything we can although it is much quieter for her.

This week marks a big week for me. Being a NICU nurse and having lots of friends in Labor and Delivery I know that making it to 24 weeks is a huge deal! Now if something were to happen and I were to go into pre-term labor they would resuscitate Baby Girl. It is totally morbid that I think that way but when you're in that environment all the time it becomes a natural way to think. Hopefully I will only have to be in the NICU for work and not visiting my baby there.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how fast the time goes by. Before you know it she will be here. I think being a nurse in general makes you very well aware of the problems that can happen so making certain dates are awesome! Congrats!
