Thursday, June 23, 2011


Today Brad and I were looking over our accounts and we decided that we spend way too much money on dumb little things. They don't seem like a lot at the time, but eventually they all add up and drain our bank account. So we have decided to start budgeting. Each of us gets $50 a month to spend however we want. I haven't really been buying things lately so that shouldn't be a big deal, but what I really need to cut back on is eating out. I am so busy with school and work and I'm always with my study group and none of us want to make meals, so we always end up eating out. It's really disgusting when I think about how much money I spend on rumbi, sushi, and rubios. Hopefully this helps and we can start saving more. In a few months I should have saved up enough to purchase these babies here

Hopefully if I buy these I'll be more motivated to spend my time running instead of blogging :)

1 comment:

  1. Budgeting is the worst! We are so bad about saving money. I started using so we can try and save some money to have a baby.
