Sunday, July 7, 2013

8 months pregnant!

WOW! I can't believe that I am 32 weeks pregnant and that I only have 8 weeks left! I am definitely starting to get nervous. I have a lot done already but I still feel like there is so much to do. Her nursery is basically finished, I just need to get around to painting the rocker and making a pillow for it. I have some clothes, bath stuff, diaper genie, bottle warmer and a few other little essentials thanks to my great friends! So, I am on my way to being prepared for her arrival. I have made my hospital packing list and I plan on packing in the next few weird! Brad and I are starting birthing classes soon, which will be so fun! I am taking maternity pics at the end of this month, I have the L&D photographer all scheduled and I have a list of "necessities" that I got from my friend who recently had a baby. I feel like I am missing a TON of stuff though, so if any of you have any tips of things I should have done before the baby comes, or things to take to the hospital, or things you found were helpful to have at home after you delivered, please, please please feel free to give me any sort of advice. It is terrifying to feel like you know so little for such a big event. But other than that, things are going great. I still feel really good and I am just trying to survive the heat. :) Only 56 days left...I can do it!


  1. You are so adorable pregnant, I can hardly stand it!! Can't wait to meet that cute baby girl!

  2. So cute!! I'm getting excited to meet baby girl.

  3. Don't be afraid--you are going to be a natural! You look great! :)

  4. hey leah, so i guess this is a common thing for everyone. there are two solutions: you can either purchase more space from blogger or i think you can create a flickr account and upload pictures that way. you'll have to google a how-to on that though. if you have a windows computer i have the ultimate solution for you - it's how i've been able to blog all these years without purchasing more space for my photos. it's a program created for windows only (sorry mac users!) that allows me to compose and post to my blog instead of using blogger itself. if you happen to have a windows computer let me know and i'll tell you how to get the program!
