Sunday, November 14, 2010

Life as a Fortuna

Well married life is still great! Home is starting to really feel like home. We got our stuff put away and most of the thank you notes are written and we have started to form our own little routine. It's great! We had our first guests over this last week/weekend. Bradley hosted a pizza and poker night with the boys on Tuesday. I had to work the evening shift and so he invited a bunch of his guy friends over and they had pizza, chips and soda and played poker all night long! Then over the weekend we had our friends Adam and Christine over. We made fajitas, baked cookies and made milkshakes. We played games and just relaxed. It's so nice to be able to invite our friends over and welcome and entertain them in our new home.
School is going well for both of us. Only like 34 more days in the semester! Wooo hoooo! I'm so excited! This first semester of nursing school has really been brutal. I would definitely NOT recommend planning a wedding and getting married during's really hard. Somehow I've managed to still do fairly well and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can pass my finals! Thank goodness for my brother Brad. He's almost done with medical school and if it weren't for him I would be really lost. Thanks B-rad, you rock!
 I also want to say thanks to my cute cute mother-in-law. She is so good to us! She brings us over fresh baked bread and homemade soup all the time! She is such a sweetheart, and it really makes it easy on a busy night! All in all life is good for us, we really can't complain about much. Here are some pics of what we've been up to, and our house! :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my wonderful MOM!!! We went to the Incredible Pizza Factory as a family and celebrated her big day! Hope you had a great day mom, we all love you!

Our darling nephew, baby Michael! It's hard to believe he's only 3 months old. He's a cutie for sure!

HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY to our cute cute nephew EZRA!! He lives in Illinois so we couldn't celebrate with him, but boy do we love him! Isn't he darling??

Congratulations Soderborg's!
Our dear friends Adam and Christine got sealed this month in the Logan temple, and we were lucky enough to attend. It was a beautiful day and the ceremony was awesome. It was so special and I'm so glad we could go. We love you guys!

This is my husband...he's the greatest!

Fajitas and cookies, my favorite!


front room

We LOVE our house. and I really love the fireplace! :)


  1. ok, your house is so cute!! i want to come see it!!

  2. Love the apartment! That wasn't the one my roommate and I were looking at...but we could have been neighbors!

    You guys are awesome.

  3. Your house is darling!! I really would love to come for a visit sometime. I really miss your beautiful face!!
