Friday, November 19, 2010

chocolate milkshakes and cottage cheese

The other night around 10:30 Bradley and I decided we were hungry. I went to the kitchen and decided I wanted a chocolate milkshake, Brad went to the kitchen and decided he wanted cottage cheese. He is so much better than I am.

In my defense I did spend the previous day studying for 12 hours and took arguably the hardest test of my life. Not really sure what that has to do with my milkshake at 10:30 at night, but I feel it makes it more acceptable.


  1. A hard test is totally a good excuse for a late night milkshake!!! I'm using the hard test I took a month and a half ago as an excuse for all kinds of things...naps after lunch, watching reruns of What Not to Wear for 6 get the point :)

  2. Cute Leah,
    Thank you guys SOOOO much for thinking of little Z on his birthday. It really means a lot. He's pretty much the cutest boy in the little jacket you gave him. We think the world of you both and really wish we were closer. Your place is adorable, of course, and so are you.
